Dunedin Musical Society

The Dunedin Musical Society is pleased to use the Mornington Methodist Church for its concerts on the third Sunday in March, May, June, August, September and October at the Mornington Methodist Church. Each concert is made up of two programmes. The first is the senior at 2:30pm and then the junior at 4pm.

The senior programme has a variety of items, which may be by pianists, singers, instrumentalists or groups. The music is mainly classical and of a high standard.

The senior programme begins at 2:30pm and lasts about an hour. The admission cost for an adult is $2. Children and performers are free.

The senior programme is followed at 4pm by the junior programme. In this there is an opportunity for children who are learning an instrument or singing to perform in an encouraging, non-threatening atmosphere. The admission cost for an adult is $1.

Members of the public are welcome to attend these concerts.