We are many, we are one, and the work of Christ is
done when we learn to live in true community, as the stars that fill
the night, as a flock of birds in flight, as the cluster of the grapes
upon the vine; as the branches of a tree, as the waves upon the
sea, as the cluster of the grapes upon the vine.
All division is made whole when we honour every
soul, find the life of God in every you and me, as the fingers of a
hand, as the grains that form the sand, as the cluster of the grapes
upon the vine; as the threads upon the loom, as a field of flowers in
bloom, as the cluster of the grapes upon the vine.
We will join creation's song, make a world where all
belong, build as one in peace and loving harmony, as the voices of a
choir, as the flames within a fire, as the cluster of the grapes upon
the vine; as the snowflakes in the snow, as the colours of a
bow, as the cluster of the grapes upon the vine.
Words and
music © Colin Gibson 1998
Permission is given to reproduce this material, with
acknowledgement, for non-commercial use in a congregational or similar
This song was written at the request of Margaret
Hamilton, incoming President of the Methodist Church of NZ, and widely
used at the national Conference in November 1998. |