Anglican - Methodist Covenant

Added on July 6th, 2009


On Sunday, July 5, 2009, a service was held in Dunedin to celebrate the signing of an Anglican-Methodist Covenant. The signing between the two churches took place in Mangere, Auckland, on Wesley Day, May 24, 2009, and the service held in Dunedin celebrated and acknowledged this historic event..

Methodists and Anglicans met in St Mary's Anglican Church, Whitby Street, for the first part of the service, progressing to Mornington Methodist Church for the rest of the service, which concluded with a time of fellowship and refreshments.

Those participating in the worship included the Rt. Rev. George Connor, Bishop of Dunedin, the Rev. John Sherlock, the Rev. Andrew Barlow, the Rev. Warren Featherston, the Rev. Stuart Grant and the Rev. Cornelia Grant, and Dr Richard Cannon.

The covenant "provides opportunities for combined worship... and eucharistic hospitality". We hope that "the covenant relationship will encourage our two churches to grow together in areas of life and witness"-- from the Order of Service.

Some photographs of the service, courtesy of Dr Richard Cannon, can be viewed under Photos -- Covenant Service gallery.